Saturday, June 1, 2013

A Day in the Life: Valerie Beck of Chicago Chocolate Tours

Women's Innovation Network - WIN Members share a "typical" day, giving insights into work, life, and work/life integration. This time: WIN Founder and President Valerie Beck, founder of Chicago Chocolate Tours, Philadelphia Chocolate Tours, and Boston Chocolate Walking Tours.

A Day in the Life

Valerie Beck

6:00 Awaken! Positive affirmations and intentions, reflection, drink water, Pilates.

7:00 Breakfast of Argo black tea, water, organic fruit, preserves on rye crispbread, while reading fiction or a business book on my Surface, or posting social media updates to Chocolate Tours and WIN pages.

8:00 Into “makeup and wardrobe!” Mary Kay skincare and cosmetics, enjoyed the Burberry cosmetics too from a recent WIN Innovation Circle. DvF dress and Ferragamos, with a St. John jacket or J.Crew cardigan. Pearls, always pearls. Playing: Hay House Radio, or classical music or jazz.

8:45 Email prospective large tour clients, prospective new Tour Partner Stores, prospective new WIN Partner Stores, others listed on my most-important-things-list.

9:30 Phone conference with Chocolate Tours Operations Manager.

10:30 Snack of organic almonds and dark chocolate (Nature's perfect food!), maybe 75% single origin, with water.

10:45 Phone conference with Chocolate Tours Sales Team and Booking Team.

11:30 Walk to Toni Patisserie, enjoying the trees of Grant Park, while texting (only while standing at stoplights!) with Chocolate Tours Team about tours for the day and week.

12:00 Lunch with Mom, friend, client, or prospect at Toni Patisserie, of a veggie salad or sandwich, and chocolate shortbread cookie or chocolate salted caramel tart, with water.

1:00 Greet a Tour Group and Partner Stores, take photos with Beloved Tour Customers.

1:30 Walk to home office, texting and emailing at stoplights.

2:00 Meeting with Chocolate Tours Talent Coordinator.

3:00 Meeting with Chocolate Tours Interns. Playing: 80s or 90s music.

3:30 Snack of organic granola bar or trail mix, water.

4:00 “Choc Star” Team Meeting with full Chocolate Tours Team, including chocolate of the week and Tourguide rehearsal, take photos with Team.

5:00 Emails and social media for Chocolate Tours and WIN.

6:00 Social event, or dinner out, or more emails with dinner in of quinoa and vegetables or veggie Thai food or vegan pizza and salad, water. Dessert – “if it’s not chocolate, it’s not dessert!”

8:00 Aerobics or Zumba, weights, stretching, relax.

9:00 Snack of organic almonds and dark chocolate, water, and emails and social media for Chocolate Tours and WIN. Make most-important-things-list for tomorrow. Playing: maybe a TCM movie.

10:00 Bubble bath with Argo green tea, water, magazine or book. Playing: maybe classical music or jazz.

10:45 Gratitude journal.

11:00 Bed, and sweet dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Valerie is a fraud. She is also a man, a transvestite. She is part of a hate group in Chicago that uses her chocolate and Mary Kay businesses to look for victims. I am one of her victims. Please be careful when dealing with her because she and her hate group destroyed my life. She is sick.
